Suidobashi Heavy Industries

USA Challenges Japan in a Robot Fight

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By Airec Sype.

MegaBot, Inc. challenged Suidobashi Heavy Industries yesterday to a battle of robots! HOLY CRAP!!! If you watch the video provided by MegaBot’s YouTube page, then you will know that these mechs can do some damage.

You don’t understand how much this tickles my nerdy side. The little Asian boy inside my big boy body is just giggling with excitement. Do you know how many hours of anime I have watched?!?! Something like this becoming tangible is just mind-blowing.

This is great timing too since 4th of July is around the coroner. What’s more American than challenging another country to WAR??!!!


Of course you gotta love the YouTube comments under the video. In one funny but unnessary exchange:

SmarterEveryDay: “Why can’t I stop giggling? I am way more excited about this than I should be.”

theblazer: “Cause you’re a f*cking q*eer who’s never got laid.”

Geeze, way to step on our fun bro. If you’re watching this video then you must also be excited to watch two giant mechs, that took a team of scientists to build, battle it out with crazy weapons! How is that not excited?!?! And how does that make us nerds gay? Someone’s a lil in the closet.

Another exchange that included at little bit of history:

NinjaCharlieT: “Challenging Japan to a robot battle is not a smart thing to do.. but then again, it’s ‘murica!”

Futurefighter49: “We’ve taken japan before! How hard could it be to do it again?”

It could be too soon for that joke, but hot damn it was cringingly funny.

Well, I hope this really does happen. I will join the mass of oversized man-childs waiting for that epic moment in Gundam history . . . I mean robot battles. Getting a little toooooo ahead of myself here.